My Care CenterI mention several times throughout my website that my dogs and my puppies are part of my family. I have even had people who come to see me tell me that my pets live as good or better than most people. I like it that way and plan to continue to treat my pets with love and care. I hope you will too when you get your new puppy. You can be assured that your new puppy will come to you feeling like a loved, cared for member of the family. Your new loving home will just be an extension of what they have known since they were born. Let me show you what I mean........... My puppies are raised in my home but they also have their own personal "estate" on my poo ranch. |
Crate Training Suite: Before I remodeled
The Love Nest: This is where it all starts. You might call it a breeding room but as you can see my dogs are very comfortable in their Love Nest! |
The Grooming Room: The grooming room is an important part of my care center. It's well ventilated and equipped with everything I need to keep my dogs and puppies clean and well groomed. It gets used often. |
My Home: Here you can see the set up I have provided for a litter of puppies in my home. All of my smaller puppies are kept in the house with me. That way I can keep an eye on them and their Mom. |
Nursery Suite: Before I remodeled
Nursery Suite: After I remodeled This is my nursery and training suite. It is equipped to be comfortable, clean and airy. I want my moms and puppies to feel safe and comfy. It is also equipped with a doggie door which my mons and puppies use often. |
Nursery Suite: After I remodeled This is my nursery and training suite after I remodeled. It is equipped with a new window air condition so my puppies can be comfortable in the hot summer months. It is also fence in where my puppies will have a place to play and I trained them to use the doggie door to potty outside. |
Crate Training Suite: Before I remodeled |
Crate Training Suite: Before I remodeled |
Nursery Interior: Before I remodeled |
Nursery Stall: Before I remodeled |
Nursery Interior: I want my moms and puppies to feel safe and comfy. The puppies love to get out and play and lay on the ceramic tile floor where it is cool in the summer. Our puppies also like to go out on the patio and look at the other dogs outside. Fresh air and sunlight is important for healthy puppies. |
Nursery Interior: Here you can see my training crates in my Nursery Suite. Each crate has a real soft comfy bed, fresh water, food and hanging toys for them to play with in each crate that is being used. I kept my dog food in sealed containes. |
Nursery Interior Wall: Here you can see precious puppies pictures hanging on this wall. |
Nursery Interior: Here you can see toys on the shelf for my babies to play with and a fan that i also use when it is real hot along with the air condition going. |
Nursery Interior: I keep a window style air conditioning unit ready to go for our warm weather babies. |
Nursery Interior: This is where I take most of my pictures at. |
Nursery Interior: I also have a desk in my nursery room so i can do some paper work and watch my puppies play. |
Nursery Interior: Here you can see it is also equipped with a doggie door which my mons and puppies use often. |
Nursery Interior: When you walk in. |
Nursery Interior: Here I am holding and Loving on my moms. |
Nursery Interior: Here is Jetta laying on the ceramic tile floor where it is cool in the summer. |
Nursery Interior: Here is Hannah laying on the ceramic tile floor where it is cool in the summer. |
For more information, take a look at everything my site has to offer on Yorkie-Poos and Cockapoos:
Information on Cockapoos Information on Yorkie Poos Shipping and Delivery Puppy Prices
Reserving a Puppy Puppy Care Cockapoo and Yorkie Poo Nurseries Puppy Supplies Training Your Puppy
I thank you for visiting me at Amanda's Poos. I hope you will enjoy my web site and all the information that I have on Cockapoos and Yorkie-Poos. Feel free to inquire about the puppies or if you have any questions please feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call me at 229-423-4429 (Home) or 229-457-4658 (Cell).
I am a cockapoo and Yorkie poo breeder in the southeast selling cockapoos and Yorkie poo puppies in Georgia.I have provide pictures and information on my site about how my cockapoos and yorkie poo puppies live,cockapoos, cockapoo, Cockapoo puppies, cockapoos for sale, cockapoo puppies for sale, miniature cockapoos, cockapoo breeders, yorkie poo, yorkie poos, yorkie poos for sale, yorkie poo puppies for sale, cockapoo colors, yorkie poo colors, yorkie poo sizes, cockapoo sizes, cockapoo and yorkie poo waiting list procedures, shipping and delivery your puppy, puppy supplies that you will need for your new puppy, how to train and care for your new puppy. I have sold Cockapoo puppies and yorkie poo puppies in Georgia, Atlanta Georgia, Macon Georgia, Florida, California, Texas, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, Missouri and Tennessee. I have Cockapoo puppies for sale and yorkie poo puppies for sale in a variety of colors Black cockapoos, chocolate cockapoos, brown cockapoos, red cockapoos, buff cockapoos, phantom cockapoos, sable cockapoos,black and tan yorkie poos and black and blue yorkie poos.